Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Remote monitoring technology to optimize your business

The remote monitoring technology is not a recent introduction in the world of technology.  It has been around since a very long time. It was introduced way back when still dial up phones connections were in operation. This has since advanced to hardwired Ethernet connections that offer greater speed and reliability. With the advent of the cellular technology the ability to monitor plant operations from  a remote locations ( just about anywhere ) thus lowering the cost and simplifying the implementation process. With 4G technology around the corner the connections are set to get much faster however the existing 3G network is fully capable of handling the traffic.

Monitoring of multiple remote locations
Monitoring of multiple remote locations

There are several benefits of remote monitoring devices. It was something that was once only found in rare numbers in industrial applications that covered widely dispersed areas,  remote monitoring has become a very integral part of daily operations. This is mainly due to the lower costs and simpler implementation associated with the newest technologies. One of the other factor driving remote monitoring is the result of leaner operations and fewer operators on the plant floor. Another advantage being able to monitor from anywhere that too by fewer personnel. Thus this decreases the labor costs and fills the knowledge gap caused due to the experienced personal retiring. The equipment itself is highly reliable and prevents unplanned downtime.

Monitoring of multiple remote locations
Monitoring of multiple remote locations

In addition to which installing wireless network for remote monitoring system has become a common way to reduce the cost associated with installing and maintaining  a network. Such networks offer a significantly more flexibility than wired remote monitoring networks since wired ones have a fixed topology. Wireless networks also come with a good cost saving since it eliminates the need to purchase and install wires and cables.

Advanticsys Success stories

Utilizing sensors also improves the in-site into the machine's overall functioning and the overall performance of a process. It enables operators to diagnose potential problems faster and with better accuracy leading to improvements in efficiency and reducing the maintenance costs.

Advanticsys offers several customized solutions for remote monitoring projects and has been since quite a while. They have also successfully completed several such projects.

About Author:- Johanna Sophia
Johana Sophia

Hi friends, I am interested in writing about science, technology & Web related stuff. Follow me on Twitter, on Google +Johanna, on StumbleUpon and/or become a friend on Facebook.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Telosb Sensors – High quality energy efficient sensors

Wireless sensor networks are of great importance in making monitoring systems. The quality of the sensors plays great role in contributing to the performance of the devices. Telosb sensors are high quality sensors that are made with energy efficient features. These sensors are used in developing several remote wireless monitoring devices that is used for industrial monitoring systems. Most of the industries are in need of monitoring systems to track the changes in atmosphere and climate to assure safe working grounds.

MTM-CM5000-MSP - 77.00€
Tip: Monitoring systems with telosb sensors assure maximum perfection in monitoring

Energy Efficient Telosb Sensors

AS-XM1000 - 85.00€

Energy efficiency is one of the important features to consider when looking for sensors. Telosb sensors are made with highly energy efficient features. These sensors help the end user to save a lot on energy bill at the same time of assuring maximum perfection for the readings.

Monitoring devices made with these sensors are sensitive to even the small changes in the atmosphere and it comes with USB features. Hence, if you are looking for quality monitoring products then shop the products made with telosb sensors.

MTM-CM5000-SMA - 85.00€
Tip: Energy efficient telosb sensors help you to save a lot on your energy bill. is one of the reputed manufactures of telosb sensors and monitoring solutions.

Summary: Wireless monitoring solutions made with high quality telosb sensors assures maximum perfection in reading at the same time of saving energy.

About Author:- 
Johanna Sophia
Johana Sophia

Hi friends, I am interested in writing about science, technology & Web related stuff. Follow me on Twitter, on Google +Johanna, on StumbleUpon and/or become a friend on Facebook.

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